Poll: What is your favorite history curriculum?

We had used Story of the World before and it was hard to teach multiple kids for me. We switched to The Mystery of History Vol 1 this year and are really enjoying it. The timeline has been simple to do and it’s nice having a visual for all that we’re talking about. I also like how the Bible is intertwined with world history.

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I havent started it yet but it looks pretty simple to follow along. Our library had volumes and and two. I really like how it talks about all of history from creation on up. There are activities suggested for younger middle and older students and the topics are like one page in length to read. There are also other things you can buy from brigh ideas press to go along with it. I like that i can add unit studies on any topic at least how were doing it. Its a classical method. Were adding books we want to read along with each topic. I hope that helps. This was in response to mystery of history reviews someone asked about.

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We use Abeka. My children enjoy History, and would say it’s their favorite subject. I like how Abeka spirals, and they remember what they learned from previous years.


Thank you @bkgjmom! Yes, that helps! And I never thought of checking our library to try it out before we buy. I’ll be checking for sure. I did look at some sample lessons on their website and I think it looks promising for us. :smiley:

I am not currently using any of these curriculum’s. I have a 6 yoa that is in public school attending a Spanish Immersion program. I also have a 4 yoa that I am just starting to do some more formal homeschooling with. My son is studying the 7 continents in school. I would like to be able to supplement what he is getting at school. If it weren’t for learning another language fluently. I would love to have the Expedition Earth and the Road Trip USA. I have used and continue to use the Letter of the Week that I purchased with my 4 yoa. I also love the K4 printables that I have gotten from the site.

We are not further along (it’s only our first year), but we are currently working on Story of the World Part 1 and also working through the 50 US states. My children are young (7 & 8), so we aren’t going into any great depth. I started the 50 states mainly for geography, but plenty of history comes along with it. For some states, we just add the state to the map and note the state symbols. For others, we end up listening to music from the region, important events in the state’s history, etc. Not sure if that is what you are looking for, but it’s working well with the young kids.

Oh - we have a huge timeline on the wall in our house. We put up pictures and names for various dates as we read our history book. We also put up interesting things in the history of math and science and things that have happened in the US. The kids thought it was cool to see how relatively recent the first US state became a state compared to all of the things we are reading in Story of the World.

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My oldest is 4, so we haven’t tried any history curriculum yet, but he loves maps and learning about different places in the world, so I would be really interested in trying Expedition Earth and Road Trip USA.

We love a Story of the World. It is fun to read and my Daughter loves the coloring pages and activities. It is informative and so much fun. We also are using US Road Trip, we are loving it.

Have Answers in Genesis History series.

We are using Story of the World on audiobook, and it is just what I was looking for.

Hi, We used The Story of the World this year and my children liked it very much. My kiddos really enjoyed the activities that went along with their lessons as well as the art projects. History seems to be our favorite subject so far.

We are using MFW for our history and really like it. I’ve always wanted to use Mystery of History though, so next year we are going to be using that along with our MFW lessons. I have a history buff, so he will love it!

This is our first full year of homeschool. I chose Bookshark (a secular form of Sonlight) for our history and while we are enjoying it I think I might switch it up next year and create our own unit studies. Thinking of creating lesson plans completely from scratch is a bit intimidating but exciting.

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Ohhh, I have wanted to try Sonlight History for soooo long. It looks really interesting!


We are using Ancient Civilizations and the Bible right now and loving it!

We are working through Road Trip USA now with my 5 and 7 year old. I am adapting it a bit for their level right now but we will review it again I’m sure and delve in a bit deeper when we do.

We are using Tapestry of Grace curriculum. It is combined history/geography from a Biblical perspective. Although I think some of it is above my children’s heads, I leave out what I need to and plan on adding in some additional things to make it even more hands-on than it already is. It is a curriculum applicable for K-12 and you can teach all your children at the same time, just at their own individual grade level. So far, I am liking it!

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This is our 3rd year homeschooling, and we have loved using Heart of Dakota for History. It blends history with Bible, science, character training, and even art and geography. It is some of our most cherished times of the day. The curriculum goes by age ranges, not grade level, so you can customize it to your child’s needs. It’s an “open and go” curriculum, which I love.


You should try it out. You can return it if you don’t like it. They have a one year money back guarantee.

We used Story of the World, finished volume 1 and had purchased and planned to start volume 2, when I discovered some disturbing things about the author. So we switched to Homeschool in the Woods Explorers, yet my daughter was so tired of all the projects. So we switched again to TruthQuest and our library did not have one book listed in the huge volume. I was having to do all the planning, researching, and basically write my own curriculum. Scraped that! Finally have settled on Heart of Dakota and am absolutely thrilled and in love with it! Plan to continue to use their product through high school.

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