Poll: What is your favorite history curriculum?

  • Expedition Earth
  • Road Trip USA
  • Abeka
  • BJU Press
  • Homeschool in the Woods
  • Mystery of History
  • Other

We’re currently using Sonlight for history/reading/la but wondering if there’s anything spectacular out there that we’re missing out on. I love the way our readers/read alouds tie in with what we’re learning in history, but we’re not crazy about the actual history books themselves.


We will be using Mystery of History Vol I next year. I like that I can use it with all my kids at the same time, and that it interweaves Bible history with world history. I tend to view them as two different things, love that you see the order that things really happened.


We were doing Story of the World, but it was a bit over my kiddo’s head… so we just switched to America the Beautiful by Notgrass Company. We will be doing Road Trip USA, this summer…

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We are using Classical Conversations for History, Science, and Fine Arts. We can find things on that subject for the week, and really enjoy it. I haven’t found a great curriculum other than that…and I want them to enjoy History and Science for sure.


We’re finishing up year 4 of Story of the World. I’m not sure what we’ll do next year. I’m ready for something different.

Story of the world. I love being able to grab the children’s Bible and re-read the stories/lessons when they come up on our studies.


I absolutely love homeschool in the woods we have used their explorers curriculum and are currently using colonial times. I am looking forward to studying ancient Egypt and medieval times next year!


I think we are going to use a combination of Sea to Shining Sea and Road Trip USA next year. We will have a fourth grader, so planning to use Road Trip as we travel to some of the national parks next year, and take advantage of the free admission.

I love Intellego Unit Studies. There are lessons on American History, World History, Geography, Economics, and Civics for grades K-8. Also, it is half internet based, so we are fulfilling a technology requirement while working on social studies :wink:

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We use story of the world along with a lot of other sources I find online. I love using pinterest ideas to go along with SOTW.

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History has been more of a curriculum mash. We tried History of the World with my daughter with only limited success. She needs things that are very hands-on and her reading comprehension wasn’t on par with the level of reading. What she remembers from our ancient history curriculum was the projects - lego pyramids, creating dyed necklaces, mosaic tiles, etc. But the actual history? Not so much. So last year we started focusing on American History. I pulled curriculum from various online sites (GuestHollow provided the structure) and we did a lot of field trips. Because we live near DC, we were able to take advantage of museums. I HIGHLY recommend the Native American museum, which has a great kids section (very hands on) and the provost LOVES homeschoolers. We also watched the Liberty Kids videos (less than $10 on Amazon) and read books and did lapbooks on various topics. We also used History Pockets, which were helpful.


We have been using A History of US (Joy Hakim) this year and the kids are loving it! We are currently on book 3-From Colonies to Country. We also use outside sources I find and movies. My twins will be
in 9th next year and I’m really trying to figure out how I can still use this resource for their American
History credit. They would really like to finish the series.

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We have been using Story of the World. We are really enjoying it.

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We use Sonlight and really enjoy it! My oldest has been through P3/4, P4/5, Core A and we are currently in Core B. It is a great curriculum.

I’m currently using library books for a US history course with both dc. I’ll continue this for dd7.5 for a few more years. I’m considering using Mystery of History (supplementing if he shows an interest in a topic) with ds11 once we finish the US History. Or I may continue the literature approach using the guides from Simply Charlotte Mason.

I posted a similar response in Science, so sorry if this is repetitive. I use the list of topics provided by Core Knowledge for both history and science. I don’t like any of the Core Knowledge curriculum pieces though, so I take the list and create major units around each suggested topic in the sequence. For example, this year we have learned about The Ice Age, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Maya, Inca and Aztec, and now we’re moving onto The Arrival of Europeans… etc etc. Each unit I plan takes about 1 month to teach - full of projects and experiments. :slight_smile:

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We love My Father’s World, which includes history, science, bible, art and music. I love that we can do it all together as a family!

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We are using Simply Charlotte Mason History Early American and Epistles,

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We are using Story of the World Volume 1: Ancient Times. I am using it for both my 3rd and 8th grader. I get a lot of books from the library to go along with the chapter we are reading. We only do history 2 times a week.

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