We use Sonlight, but I have purchased Mystery of History… Im just not sure when were going to use it!
We are just starting homeschooling with our oldest, so we don’t actually do a true history curriculum yet. But I like the style of Road Trip USA.
We are planning on using sonlight when we start homeschooling in the fall.
We actually don’t have a set curriculum. I found a great set of biographies at a convention last year, so we are reading through those and researching the history around each person.
This was my first year homeschooling and i used pinterest and random sites to find activities for the units we studied. My daughter loves activities so i was thinking that next year we would use homeschool in the woods. It looks like a lot of fun.
We finished Abeka History. We’re now starting back up on Road Trip USA. Road Trip USA is our favorite. It’s a lot of fun.
I am currently using Sonlight. My kids really enjoy all the read alouds. Since the first few years focus more on world study, we are going to work on Road Trip USA this summer. I feel like we need to focus more on the United States so they have a better grasp of the area we live in. Also, end of August, my in-laws are taking us on an Alasakan Cruise. I went them to know about the different regions and how they are different from where we live in the MidWest.
We currently use Abeka but look forward to using others as he gets older.
We use MFW too! We have since Kinder. We are in Exploring Countries & Cultures right now. What cycles have you done? @amberloveseric
We haven’t found a favorite history program just yet. We are currently using Liberty’s Kids DVDs for a fun intro–my kids are 4 and 7. And we have also found that our local history museum is amazing!! Not only do they have wonderful exhibits, but they offer traveling trunks which are these huge trunks that you rent for a week at a time. Inside the trunks are written curriculum, books, historical artifacts, loads of hands on items, and activities that make the trunks subject matter come to life. We have done several so far from civil rights to early settler homemaking. I highly recommend checking out your local museums! They are wonderful resources!!
My two oldest (10 and 8) are in public school but I supplement their education at home. I purchased road trip USA to work on over the summer. I started planning and was so excited. Then I learned my son will be doing World history next year so I think I am going to purchase Expedition Earth so he will have a jump start.
We are waiting on our Sonlight P4/5 to come in. I’m interested in seeing the pros/cons of what it’s like to start with a worldly view of history rather then focusing on the U.S.
I am currently using the Sonlight curriculum for history. I really have enjoyed most of the books they suggest - such as Johnny Tremain and The Witch of Blackbird Pond. These types of books have really helped us picture how these events might have taken place. My kids are always asking me to just read one more chapter!
I have not started history yet as my oldest is only 4.5, but I read a book by Diana Waring a while back that really got me excited about homeschooling in general and history (surprise! Because I hated history growing up). I think the way I learned history in public school my entire life, even through college was rote memorization of dates and facts which is sooooo boring! I am excited to re-learn history with my kids:)
We do not really have a favorite history curriculum yet, we are still searching for one as we are just getting to the point of needing one.
We typically compile our own curriculum using literature as our guide, filling it out with fun activities. But after gathering our books for our American Revolution study, things got hectic, as life will. So we’ve pulled in Homeschool in the woods American Revolution study. We’ve just begun and are enjoying it, and it works great with the books we had already gathered.
I use Sonlight’s History curriculum Lot’s of reading real books on history. It makes you feel like you are there!
I use Homeschool in the Woods to correlate with the time period we are covering in our Sonlight history. We are currently using Time Traveler The Middle Ages. My son and I like all the hands on activities. It really helps to bring history alive.
I have used Expedition Earth before (I actually taught it in a co op class two years ago). I loved it.
I used Sonlight P4/5 with my son. We loved it. The world view of history at that age is such a blessing. When I was in school I only remember learning about US History. One of things that I love about Sonlight is that you are learning right along with your child. It is very exciting.
We have been using MFW for 3 years now and love it. Last year we also did Road Trip USA cause it looked like so much fun. My kids and I loved it. I want to include Expedition Earth at some point.
We have been using Story of the World with the Activity Guide. So far so good:)