How and when do you all find time for yourselves?

How do you all find time for yourselves? :smile:What are some things you do to relax? Some days I donā€™t know what relax means!!

I only homeschool one child, so it may be a little easier for me. I want to be a morning person, I really do, but I am not. So when everyone else (including my husband) goes to bed between 8-9pm, I stay up for a few hours and read, clean, go on the computer, watch TV, etc. Thatā€™s my ā€œme timeā€. It isnā€™t the best schedule, but it is what it is. :slight_smile:


Late night time is my ā€œme timeā€ too! Iā€™ve always been a bit of a night owl-which my husband is to. So, after all the kids are in bed is when we chit chat, or I find some time reading or watching a movie.


Thatā€™s funny! You sound just like me. I like to stay up after everyoneā€™s in bed doing the same things you mentioned. Butā€¦still have to get up early to start school. Definately not a morning person either!

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We are twins!! I have two in high school and homeschool the youngestā€¦and she IS a morning person. Iā€™m trying to make a commitment to myself to go to bed by 11pm. Thus far, itā€™s been hit or miss, but Iā€™m still trying.

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Yeah. Itā€™s very normal for me to go to bed at midnight or so and back up by 7. Which isnā€™t super early, I know. Then I get the kids up at about 7:30 and we start school at 9.

I really dont get much time out for myself. But i am VERY blessed, everyday when my husband comes home he lets me go take a bath or have a bit of quiet time to myself.


I thrive on being busy so ā€œmeā€ time is never alone time. I play games with the kids or throw myself into the community food pantry.

My husband & I have our own nights outā€¦heā€™s got Monday night & I got Tuesday night :slight_smile: Our kids have a bedtimeā€¦7:30pm!! Then Iā€™m one on one with my older son till 8pm then itā€™s me time till 10:30pm :slight_smile: Or time with hubby!! AND if I really want extra me time then Iā€™ll wake up at 4:30am and kids get woken up at 6:45am :slight_smile: Itā€™s not always like this but for the majority, yes!! We make time for what we truly want/need!! And Lord knows us mamas need our time so weā€™re good & healthy for the family and others :slight_smile:

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Yes this is so me! Its the quietest time of the day for me to think and figure things out!

ā€œMe timeā€ was hard to come by when all my kids were younger. I would sometimes go with a nursing infant to the ā€œLadies Night Outā€ that the womenā€™s group at church planned. A couple times a year, my mom would watch the kids so my husband and I could have a date night. On a regular basis, I would stay up late or wake up early to have that quiet time. Even as the kids have gotten older, I still find that to work best.

As a final thought, in Ecclesiastes 3, we read, ā€œThere is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.ā€ I sometimes have to remind myself to enjoy the season Iā€™m in, whatever that season holds. Blessings to you, ladies, as we live this homeschooling journey!


After all the kids go to bed, the husband and I watch some Netflix and work on hobbies. I crochet A LOT :smile:
On Fridays my husband goes out with friends, and I get a QUIET night to myself with a book.


My husband and I TRY once a month to do a date night. So thats always a nice way to relieve stress. With both sets of grandparents less than 2 miles away its easy to find a babysitter!

Funny, I too wait for everyone to go to bed so I can have some quite time, watch a little TV but my biggest joy is reading with little interruption. Sometimes if I really need to get away I go for a walk, bake (it relaxes me) or go for a massage since pampering yourself is always a win, win!

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I crochet too! Its a nice relaxing activity and it makes you also feel productive! :wink:

I LOVE to crochet. My husband bought me a spinning wheel for Christmas and Iā€™ve been spinning my own wool! Iā€™ve made a few pairs of mittens so far. I didnā€™t even know that they still made spinning wheels-so I was shocked to get one! It looks so pretty and it was easier to learn than I thought it would be. It actually feels kind of special to be doing something that is becoming a lost art. It is so rhythmic and relaxing. :relaxed:

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Night time is my down time! No matter how exhausted I am during the day I am always up hours after the kids go to bedā€¦ I know I should go to bed earlier and need to try to be better about it! But I really need that time!

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Having no exra money to get out and 4 kids. I donā€™t really go out for me time. And I tend to sleep when they sleep. So we have a quiet hour, when I can just enjoy the quiet. Youngest takes a nap and the 3 older ones have to read or play quietly by themselves.

I have started taking an hour a day to ho walking. I do walk with my oldest son (15) but its my ā€œmeā€ time.

On school days or rushed days my time is usually an hour in the evenings before bed. When dh is home weā€™ll plan date nights.