Auditory Processing

Continuing the discussion from Learning Disabilities:

My daughter was diagnosed with a Central Auditory Processing disorder. There are several types of disorders within the global category, and an audiologist can diagnose and offer suggestions for treatment. We used Earobics and have looked into Tomatis training. While my daughter isn’t autistic, I read a book called “Awakening Ashley” (by Sharon Ruben) which references CAPD.

A good explanation of auditory processing disorders can be found at

The link references UC Davis MIND Institute, which is a phenomenal place. You can read many studies and participate in one. They often offer online seminars (for free) on a variety of learning challenges. UC Davis MIND Institute

Another good link: What is APD? This is a national group who advocates for those who have auditory processing challenges.

A helpful handout (2 pages):

I’m sure you probably know most or all of this info @luvmyboys but I figured I’d add a few links for those who are wondering about this or who maybe have a child who has recently been diagnosed.


Do you know if this is similar to or a different name for processing speed? K was said to have below average processing speed and I don’t fully understand it.

@Sarasein I am fairly certain it is the same thing. “Auditory processing disorder” is the umbrella and various categories fall under that, such as deficits in decoding or tolerance fading memory (can’t filter background noise). Processing speeds are slower because the brain has a harder time integrating the sounds and information. The child has to hear the info, understand what it means and then respond to it. When there is a processing disorder, it takes him or her longer to do that. The most common category is “auditory decoding deficit” which is what I explained about slower response times. It sounds like that is what the doctor/audiologist meant.

Did they give you any specific plan on how to help K?

She is in public school right now. I will be pulling them all out in the Fall. Her IEP was set up to give her extra time for work or reduce the number of problems to make it easier for her to keep up with peers. Emphasize quality of work produced over volume and speed. Reduce volume of writing and copying. Give time extra thinking time in group environment. This was all though the school. Sometime soon, most likely in the summer, I will have her tested privately, to get a better picture of everything.

And she has oral help due to her reading disability. So they orally read her stuff like Math word problems. She goes to a special class for her ELAR time. She can go back to get help with the other classes also. And they come to her several times a week.

Thanks! I will check’out the links. My son was diagnosed initially by a pediatric neurologist (who specializes in ASD), but we did have further testing at a children’s hospital by an audiologist. He has numerous specific diagnosis, but in forums I don’t go into detail…I’m so glad that you understand what I’m referring to!!! It’s great to be able to bounce questions off an RN😀
Any recommendations for helping him to calm when he is wound up? Our home is set up like on OT office! So his sensory needs are meet, every hour (or less if needed), he takes a 10 min sensory break. But when he is overwhelmed, either by the concept or by not wanting to work, we have a tough time calming him. We have been using “How Does Your Engine Run” with some success. We also have lots of visual (PECS and Stick Figure. He is completely verbal), and utilizes them…but I think as he has got older (7.5) we just to try something new, something more mature :slight_smile: ideas?

Have you tried brushing or a weighted blanket to calm him down? K had sensory issues when she was younger. She responded best to the brushing and a compression vest. She seems to out gown most of it, but she still loves her spicy foods for the sensory input.

Have you tried any compression clothing. Like under armed but maybe a size smaller to provide a nice squeez. I have also found lavender oil works for my son. This may or may not work for yours depending on the sensory needs.

@sarasein If an audiologist didn’t do the testing, I would follow up with one specifically trained to test for auditory processing disorders. Some schools DO have educational audiologists who test for it and if she did, then you can ask specifically which category of APD does she have.

@luvmyboys I completely understand - both as an RN and as a mom! :slight_smile: Have you ever heard of Hugglepods? They are like hanging chairs which are helpful for some children who need to calm down. Depending on his sensory issues, it may work - and can be used even for TEENS (believe it or not). :slight_smile:

It was the school’s Diagnostician that did the testing and said her precessing speed was below average on the testing that she did. We have not followed though, yet, with more testing. They just put her though so much, I wanted to give her a break.

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Oh wow! Those look amazing!!! He seeks that input, so we have a bodysox for him, a “roller” that he crawls through, and many little nitches he likes to go to when he is stressed:) I will be PM you tonight or tomorrow:)

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We got our swing from Ikea (very similar to the hugglepod). It’s an amazing tool for calming!