Will my homeschooler be accepted in college?

God bless you all! My name is Stephanie and I live in Texas. This is my first year homeschooling my 3 year old. I have a question. Ive met people that were homeschooled and when they wanted to enroll in college, they weren’t accepted because they were homeschooled. Is there anything I can do to keep this from happening to my son?

I don’t think that’s common. Perhaps the college’s they applied to just wanted them to jump through some hoops! Both my cousins were homeschooled. One has a bachelor’s degree and the other is a psychologist! Between them they attended 5 different colleges/universities without difficulty. One thing I’d advise is to see what the colleges you are interested in require. Most colleges want homeschoolers to take SAT/ACT tests. Homeschoolers have been accepted at so many colleges and universities!

I homeschool 4 that had no problems getting in to collage. Most collages at that time were looking for homeschool because they were so well rounded.
It’s hard to predict what will be normal by the time your child is of collage age.
Bless you

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