What books are in your home library?

What books do you and your kids love to read? Which do you find necessary for homeschool? I’m looking for some to read this summer, maybe do some unit studies on. My daughter,11, seems to have younger books like Junie B. Jones. She loves dork diaries and last summer found a kid Amish series. I gravitate towards all the Amish books, Little House series, and Christian books. I love books! What about you?

Too many to list! But we have collected a LOT of Sonlight books over the years! My daughter especially goes back and re-reads books. So, I’m pretty sure all of them are necessary, LOL! Or at least loved :smile:

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We’ve never worked unit studies from books, but my daughter reads lots of books just for fun. We have a long list, too. Some of her favorites: Charlotte’s web, Heidi, Little women, The Swiss Family Robinson, some novels from Jules Verne (short version), etc. My younger kids also love the Geronimo Stilton series, The Puppy Place series, and The Magic Tree House series.
We have some beautiful Christian books from Rod and Staff https://www.milestonebooks.com/list/Christian_Storybooks/
And some missionary stories from YWAM http://www.ywampublishing.com/c-39-hero-biographies.aspx

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This is a wholesome list:

Hoping to have time for them all!

My dtr devours books! In our family we encourages reading and allow freedom of choice (for the most part-only steering away from books that maybe the content is inappropriate for age level) and have found that this makes the whole reading experience for exciting all around. There are some “junk food book choices” that aren’t necessarily fantastic literature (I.e Rainbow Magic Fairies) but also great choices like Little Women, Adventures of Tom Swayer and other classics. It’s so fun to listen to her excitedly share what she’s enjoying in her reading and watching that love of books bloom!

Almost anything history / science / math from Usborne is good!