Welcome! Let's get to know each other!

Hello, my name is Ashley. I have two children, a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 6 month old son. My family is new to homeschooling! We are currently doing preschool at home now and plan to continue homeschooling in the future. I taught in a public school setting for 7 years before leaving to stay at home with my daughter. Best decision I ever made! Homeschooling was initially my husbands idea. :slight_smile: I had never considered it before and even thought the idea was crazy it at first, but after much prayer and consideration God has changed my heart and Iā€™m looking forward to this new journey!! I know we have another year before we begin kindergarten, but Iā€™m already looking into different curriculums and itā€™s a bit overwhelming! Glad I started looking early. :slight_smile:

Hi! Iā€™m Katie and we have 6 kids. Our youngest just turned a month and our oldest is 14. Iā€™ve been homeschooling for 6 years, but I was also homeschooled growing up too :slight_smile: I tend to be more traditional. I admire people who do Charlotte Mason because I think it sounds so awesome, but I quickly found I am not disciplined enough :frowning: I am so excited for this new community! Thanks Erica for starting it!!!

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Hi Janel. Well we are so blessed to have two moms who taught history before. She is doing Not Grass American history. My daughter seems to like it and their is a literature program with it. She seems to like it itā€™s meant for high school but she has started in in 8th.

Hi my name is Dianna. I am a homeschool veteran mom :smile: I love to encourage homeschool moms who are doing the hard work of homeschooling because I have seen the great results in my own children. I am mom to four, (now all college grads) and Bubbe (grandma) to five - so far. I love to learn and want to keep up-to-date on homeschooling since my grandchildren are now homeschooling. I am the primary author for Grapevine Bible studies, so that keeps me busy when my family doesnā€™t. Looking forward to meeting you and encouraging other homeschool moms as we live life together!

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Hi! I have three kiddos (4,3,2) and one on the way. We will officially start homeschooling in the fall. I am nervous, overwhelmed, but excited. I started homeschooling because I gave up my career to stay home, and didnā€™t want to be the bored housewife. If you ask my hubs he will say because we are military and donā€™t want the kids to be in and our of schools. Not too mention the state of schools and the children in them. I am exciting about this new forum, to ask questions, and find support on the days I feel like my kids would do better in public school. God bless!

Hello! Im Julie I have 4 children 6,3,and 1 year old twins. Technically I am not home schooling yet my oldest is in Kindergarten but I teach my 3 year old son preschool. I have wanted to homeschool for some time but when the school year started my twins were infants and I was feeling overwhelmed so we choose to send her to public school this year. However, I plan on pulling her out next year and officially homeschooling. So I am super excited to be a part of this community and learn from you more experienced home school moms. I love the idea of unit studies so I think that is the direction I want to head in when we start. I want to homeschool because I love how it focuses on family and personalized learning which are two things that are super important to me. I want to be there learning with my children, helping them through their struggles and watching them grow and develop.

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Hi, my name is Katelyn. I was homeschooled from K-12. Now I have a 3 year old daughter that I am now starting on preschool. I like the traditional/ eclectic styles. I decided to homeschool because of the one on one your child gets that you just donā€™t get in public school. And that I can do whatever types and styles that works best for my daughter.

Hi, My name is Jessica and weā€™ve been homeschooling about 5 years now. We have 4 children, with just 3 of them school age at the moment. I also tend toward traditional/eclectic with some Charlotte Mason. My husband and I were both homeschooled so the decision to homeschool our children as well was a fairly easy one. I really enjoy being able to be home with my kids. It can be challenging some days, but Iā€™m still thankful for it. =)

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My name is Emily and I am going to start homeschooling my boys (6, 2.5, & 3m) this fall. Right now I am doing all the research and trying to find the best curriculum for our family. I am drawn to Thomas Jefferson Education, so we will probably follow that ā€œphilosophyā€, but I am still trying to pin down a curriculum. I wanted to start homeschooling because I didnā€™t like what was being taught in public schools. I wanted to be able to teach my children using methods that would help them to reach their potential. Iā€™m so excited for this community and all the amazing ideas that Iā€™m sure are going to be floating around soon :smile:!

My name is Donna, we have been homeschooling for 10 years. We have five children. We use an eclectic style of homeschooling: Charlotte Mason with some classical sprinkles! I was a scientist in my ā€œformer lifeā€ā€“ha! So I love to inspire our kids to use their investigative skills.

We began homeschooling when our middle child seemed to be Eva p o r a t i n g in public school. We felt the gifts God gave her were not appreciated and even overlooked. Within 12 months, she was thriving, blossoming, and many of our friends were commenting on how she seemed to ā€œcome aliveā€. Now we homeschool the three youngest and our oldest daughter, now graduated, and our son in college help out in many ways.

Blessings to all!

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So encouraging to have a second generation homeschooler!

Hi Iā€™m Becca and I have three kiddos. 5 months, 2 yr old and a 5 yr old. This is our first year. We are using Math U See and Teach Your Child to Read. I am also supplementing with K4 from COAH. In a former life I was a high school teacher and now am a SAHM.

Hello everyone! My name is Megan. My husband and I have 3 children; a fun loving 6 year old daughter, and spunky 3 year old twin boys. We homeschooled our daughter last year (PreK) and are teaching her Kindergarten this year. We love it so far! :slight_smile:

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I am a 2nd Gen Homeschooler who has been homeschooling for two years. I have two little boys and we are Classical/Charlotte Mason homeschoolers.
I am homeschooling because it is normal and I want a chance to see my kids during the day before they are exhausted.

Hello! I am Ava from Memphis, TN.

How long have you been homeschooling?
I am in my first year of full-time, formal homeschooling.

How many children do you have?
I have one daughter, Gracie, who just turned 5 a few weeks ago.

What teaching style do you like best? Charlotte Mason, Traditional, Eclectic, etc.
I like traditional mixed in with hands-on activities and field trips. We are currently doing the Abeka K-4 program.

Why did you start homeschooling?
Although we have a great Christian school at our church, it is very small and there is no one else Gracieā€™s age. The younger years are so vital for future academic success that I want to be the one who makes sure she learns her early education material as well as possible. I was a teacher in both the public school and private school for over 10 years, so teaching is definitely in my blood. I enjoy teaching my daughter and watching her learn! I also love being able to be flexible with time. We stay pretty busy and it is really nice to be able to adjust our schooling schedule accordingly (not to mention when we are sick!).

I am Tondra and I started homeschooling my kids in August 2014. I have 5 kids and I homeschool 2 officially and have 1 other I semi-homeschool and another hanging around and soaking up knowledge. I go with the teaching style traditional/eclectic, which fits us because our kids came from public school and like the structure. We started homeschooling because I always wanted too and just didnā€™t. Also because the school that my kids attended was the best in the county. Too many changes and good teachers walked away and it was our time to exit. My son who is gifted but works at a slow pace was overlooked to receive the attention that he needed. Also my daughter who is gifted and work at a fast pace was not challenged either. I also am able to teach them our spiritual and religious beliefs at home. So ultimately God is the reason that we homeschool. He felt it was time.

We have been homeschooling for 5 years now, starting when my oldest was in pre-k as a trial year. We are more eclectic homeschoolers and put together a little bit of different styles for different parts of our day. I have been blessed with four children. We started homeschooling because God has called us to it! Before we had children and even when our oldest was young I was completely against homeschooling. Through gently nudging, God led me to not only obey, but also love it! We now continue to do it to obey and honor God. We know that this is what is best for our children and meeting their individual needs!

Hi! My name is Carrie and I am in the discernment process for homeschooling next year. I gave a 7-year old daughter, currently in 1st grade at a Catholic Elementary School and a 4-year old son who is in preschool at the same school. I am a former public school teacher, turned SAHM upon the birth of my daughter. I look forward to getting to meet others and learning about their journey to homeschooling!

Hello my name is April. I have two beautiful girls. Selina age 9 and Zoe age 2 (3 in April). My oldest still attends a public school as of right now. I am currently homeschooling my youngest. I just started actually in January so everything is still very new! I came across COAH late last year and Erica has been very helpful in answering all of my questions and making things more understandable! We so far have a pretty good routine going using the preschool COAH curriculum. She loves evey part of it. Though I am finding sheā€™s getting a little bored because she already knows majority of it. Iā€™m trying to add in some more fun activities and really focus on the fine motor skills (how to hold the pencil, cutting ect ). After completing the preschool curriculum we will move ahead to the kinder. At that point she will still only be 4 years old and Iā€™m not sure what the plan will be. My husband wants both kids to attend school and I want to homeschool both kids. I think we have some more talking to do about it. Any and all advice is welcome! Thank you and I really enjoy reading about everyone else on here!

Hello! My name is Rebecca. I have been homeschooling for 7 years. I have 3 sons, ages 11, 10, & 7. I prefer the classical teaching style. I started homeschooling mostly out of obedience to what I felt God was directing me to but also because I could not imagine giving up that much of my time with my children and wasnā€™t comfortable entrusting that much influence to a stranger. So excited about this forum!

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