Trouble finding curriculum

I am looking for my curriculum unicorn. I have been homeschooling for 4 yrs now. My daughter is entering 5th and my son 2nd. I had a really hard time this last year with trying to do them together. I had a lot of frustration. I tried to have my oldest work alone and she had so many questions I couldn’t keep my youngest on track.

I am looking for something with a mix of unschooling and Charlotte mason. I prefer little to no prep work so open and go works best. I would like to do as many subjects together as possible. My kids burn out and get overwhelmed if we spend too long on subjects. I need something fun. My daughter doesn’t mind writing, coloring and work pages. My son hates doing a lot of writing and he doesn’t like to color. He does better with games.

Please help. Tell me what worked for you and what didn’t.

Hi! Since your kids are farther apart in age, I would probably try to look for something that combines science, history, art, music, electives together. But it’s my opinion that they will need to do core reading, math, spelling on their own individual grades.

Of course I have art, music, and literature units you can do as a group. And my Road Trip USA and Expedition Earth which would cover your history/geography!