Teaching With Style and Structure

I know this is like a 10 DVD set. Is this something you watch once and be done or do you refer back to it? I plan on purchasing the Writing Intensive A and I know it comes with 2 parent DVD’s also. Thanks!

The TWSS (Teaching Writing with Structure and Syle) is now a 12 disc set. It was revised this year. It is for the parent to watch so that you understand how to teach the writing curriculum. I bought it years ago when my oldest was starting in Level B. At first I didn’t watch the TWSS videos. I was trying to just go through his course with him. Honestly, I didn’t get a lot of it. Not that it was to hard but I didn’t always understand why he was doing something. About mid-year I finally started watching the TWSS myself and I loved it. It is an excellent program. I watched it all the way through then and he did IEW for years. It was so much easier for me to help him once I understood the program.
I am now ready to start IEW again with my youngest child and I plan to watch the TWSS videos again this summer as a refresher. *(You don’t need to watch them over and over again but after a few years it is a nice refresher)