Shurley Grammar pros and cons

Anyone use Shurley Grammar? I’m using level 1 with my 7 yr old. It’s a little overwhelming to me, lol. We are only on lesson 15ish, my son seems to be getting the question and answer flow down now. What do you feel are the pros and cons? Has anyone used more then 1 level? How do you feel your child did with grammar over a few years?

I have used Shurley English for several years now. I have a love/hate relationship with it! Some aspects that I love are the way they teach the parts of speech. My son is in 8th grade now and can classify a sentence in no time. He does not like the writing… I don’t mind the writing so much. I think some days there is just too much to do so I pick and choose what he needs on those days. I TRY to get 1 chapter done a week. It really covers a ton of stuff but sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming. My daughter is in the 3rd grade and I have not used it for her. Both of my sons have used it though. I’m not sure if Shurley offers 9th grade English but regardless of if they do I’m pretty sure we are going to try something new next year. I hope that helps!

Hi there! I love your username :slight_smile: I’m a momma to five boys (and two girls) :smile:

We used Shirley Grammar about five years ago for one school year with the following grades: 7,5,4. I felt it was time consuming and while two of my children had no problem doing the work my 5th grader struggled to translate what was being learned and apply it to writing.

So, I sold it and started using products by the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW). In my opinion, learning grammar isn’t any good if that grammar is missing from writing. Audio talk by Andrew Pudewa on grammar. I read an article by Andrew Pudewa years ago, but could not find it to share with you now. The audio talk (in the link above) might be beneficial if you are considering what you should do next.

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@MotherofMany I love raising sons! Shurley seems to be overwhelming, and at the same time I feel there isn’t enough practice…do you use IEW for grammar and writing? I have always felt intimidated by that program, there are so many components I’m not even sure where to start! It’s pretty pricy as well, where would be a good place to start?

@mommylove2015 I feel it’s overwhelmimg too:( but I also feel like there’s not enough practice sentences (at least not so far). Like I said my son is 7, maybe I should hold off using it?

I would say to look for something new. Like I said I started both my boys on it so I just continued using it with them. I had to make some worksheets on my own to go along with it because of the lack of practice sentences. But I started my daughter on Abeka (she’s in 3rd grade) and we love that. My sons definately know the parts of speech and can write really well. So it is a good curriculum but there are so many other choices out there if you’re feeling too overwhelmed. Sometimes it’s not worth it so we need to switch! I didn’t realize that for a few years. I thought once I bought it I had to finish it! But I look at things a lot differently now!!

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Thank you @mommylove2015 I needed to hear that:)

@Luvmyboys, I have a seven year old and this is what we are using IEW Bible Heroes. We will use it again next year because we have only reached lesson 8. I would rather lay the foundation slowly than race to finish and spend time reteaching concepts.

There’s also a chart here that explains how to decide what to use. I felt intimidated at first because it seemed like SO much information. I found it helpful to only focus on what my child/children were learning at the moment. There are teacher DVDs to explain the concepts/methodology of IEW here .

I was very fortunate to go through the teacher training with a local group of homeschool moms years ago. One mom owned the DVDs and we just had to purchase the binders. Maybe there’s someone in your area that would be willing to do the same?

If you purchase from IEW, they have a 100% money back guarantee. If you don’t like the product even if the books have been written in, even if you have had it for a few years….they’ll give you you’re money back.

Let me know if you have any other questions, I’m here to help :smile: