Recommendations for Catholic Religion class curriculum?

I am discerning pulling my daughter from Catholic school next year. She would be in 2nd grade. I am curious as to what other Catholic homeschoolers use for formal Faith training? As next year would be my first year, I am looking at a more traditional approach to begin with. I am not particularly interested in using an entire Catholic curriculum (ie: Seton) at this point.

I am not Catholic (although I was as a child) but have several friends who are. They recommend: and here is another link to look at:

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Have you looked at My Catholic Faith Delivered? It is an excellent online program that uses the Faith & Life series. You can also just order the Faith & Life books and do it the traditional way, but my daughter loves the online version because of the games ;0).

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Catholic Heritage Curriculum

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For our second grader, we will use St Joseph’s First Communion Catechism for sacramental prep. I’ll also incorporate lessons from Teach me about the Catholic Faith, and bible lessons from My Catholic Picture Bible.

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Check out, she has tons of ideas, projects, printable, links, etc. I am starting the book Teach Me About the Catholic Faith with my daughter. There are free printable to go along with it on Catholic Icing.


We have this book as well! Thanks for the tip on the free activities!

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