Preparing Your Heart

What are something’s that yall did to prepare your heart for the adventure that is homeschooling? Along with a lot of prayer, I’m reading “How To Talk So Kids Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk” and it’s been AMAZING!

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@MuscleMom I’ll have to check that book out. And yes, lots of prayer. I still pray every day for the right attitude.

We prayed a LOT before starting. Also, Sally Clarkson has a great book “Seasons of a Mother’s Heart” that is all about homeschooling, it’s a great read for any parent who is considering homeschooling! @musclemom @rarasmama


@erica I’ll have to add that to my list of reads! Thank you for the recommendation!

I read a LOT of books - mostly on homeschooling and learning disabilities. I prayed a lot and spoke to other families who were doing it. I also found local homeschool communities and online Facebook groups. By nature, I cope with stress by educating myself as much as possible. I spent months reading and praying before I finally got up the courage to do it. One of the best decisions I ever made!!!


Definately lots of prayer and talking to the kids about their wants and needs. The Seasons of the Heart book mentioned before is a must read!

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We prayed and pray every day over our home school. I read everything I can get my hands on. I set aside time every 6 weeks to re-evaluate the curriculum and individual children needs . I listen to my kids and receive their input. They teach me what works for them. The hugest besides prayer is making time to read the word every morning as a family. Inviting God in our midst and washing our minds with his word starts the day in his strength which is success. If something doesn’t work I throw it out of the schedule. I stopped being a perfectionist. Gods ideas of a successful homeschool day is not always mine. When I feel like doubting myself I fall back into Jesus arms he has all wisdom and all grace and equips us for the task at hand.


I think God prepared me way more than I could’ve ever prepared myself, I kept trying to talk myself out of it! lol When I start to research online I find that I get overwhelmed and it can be counterproductive because there are so many voices to listen to. I have found that narrowing down the voices I give place to in my life has helped take away some of the pressure to do it all and be it all. I am also reading Kate Battistelli’s ‘Growing Great Kids’ is a great book as well (she is Francesca Battistelli’s mom - they homeschooled).


I get up at 6 to have my own personal quiet time, a daily devotional and then Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I find this time to be so important to me so that I am fueled up for what the day holds for the kids and me. For myself, I was reading too many “how to” books and becoming overwhelmed. This made me focus on the best “how to” book going, the Bible! You have to discern for yourself how you are going to fit this into your own schedule though…


Lots of prayer definitely! Also consistent Bible reading. I enjoyed The Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola. It really encouraged me to relax and see the big picture instead of stressing over every individual subject and grade.

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Thank you everyone, Our third week of homeschooling and it´s been very hard. I cried and said a little prayer. It is great to know that i´m not the only one with homeschooling challenges.


I don’t have any children yet. But I’m thinking of homeschooling. still not sure if I will do it. I know I should pray more about this. Thank you for all the sharing :smile:

Pray. A. Lot. :slight_smile: read and research. But sometimes it’s kind of overwhelming to see lots of resources in the net. I feel like I just want to use them all.

I remember many veteran homeschool Mums remind us to “homeschool on our knees”. Praying, reading Sally Clarkson’s books, following great Christian homeschool blogs…and keeping Jesus the focus of your day.

Mostly continious prayer.
God knows I am a “jumper” and prepping is futile. He led, I followed…praying the entire way.

It’s interesting, because I wanted to Homeschool even before I was married or had a child. When I first heard about it, I just thought it was an awesome opportunity to raise a child to be great… Then I got married, and even though we didn’t have a child or plans to have one, my husband and I several time discussed about homeschooling… so once our little one was born, we knew that was it… no way in the world would we sent her to school… I was worried about it in the beginning…am I doing it right… what if I fail?? Then I prayed!!! Prayed and prayed some more… for guidance… for help… for holy spirit…
But most important of all is to NOT compare yourself and your teaching and your child to others!!! You can go crazy!! Moms are different, kids are different… circumstances are different…
Once I had to make a decision and a friend told me: You won’t know if your decision is right or wrong until you make it, act on it and see the results, but if your decision is in harmony with God’s will, it will sure be successful. And we know that God’s will is to have happy and united families! ;o) So my word here is… prepare your heart by praying and asking God for guidance!!