What homeschooling/parenting/general non-fiction books would you recommend? Have you read anything that has greatly impacted you as a teacher/parent? I would really appreciate your recommendations!
Hi Julie,
I love all of Sally Clarksons books. She’s a very encouraging writer and has several parenting, motherhood, and homeschooling books. Seasons of a Mother’s Heart is one of my favorites along with Ministry of Motherhood as well
I have a whole blog post series going through the book here:
You can find Sally’s books here:
I loved Teaching From Rest by Sarah Mackenzie for a book to refresh your home school perspective from a Christian standpoint. I also really enjoyed the eBooks Called Home, Simply Homeschool and Real Homeschool by Karen DeBeus. I read all 3 for free on kindle unlimited, but they are only about $1-$3 on kindle and again from a Christian perspective. For parenting I really like playful parenting by Lawrence J. Cohen, it’s been incredibly helpful helping me to deal with challenging behaviors without losing my cool. Peaceful Parenting by Dr. Laura Markham is another parenting book I really like for reminding me to do all things in love when dealing with kids and a bunch of examples. I have mission of motherhood and the 5 love languages of children on my to do list as well.
Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell. It really, really encouraged me!!