Morning Baskets

Hi All,
First time homeschooler here, and I am hoping to incorporate a morning basket. I was wondering what you all put in yours, and how much time you spend on it? I have 3 kids that range in age from 11-7, so I am hoping to incorporate things that they’ll all be interested in. Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thank you!

Hope you have a wonderful year of homeschooling.
I have 4 kiddos ranging from 1-12, so fo our morning basket we do different things depending on the season. We usually rotate between memory work (scripture, prayer, math facts, states and presidents), read aloud, poetry, devotion.

Pam Barnhill has some wonderful videos on Morning Basket, and so do some Yourubers. Grace and grit, called to cultivate, rooted in rest. They all have wonderful channels about homeschooling.

It can be anything you want it to be, and doesn’t have to be in the morning. I’d also have something for your kids todo while they listen to you read. I let mine do sticker by number books or play with Kendrick sand, or play dough. As long as they are quiet they can play at the table or floor when I’m reading. Listening is a skill that is learned. I’d also check in every so often asking each kiddo to narrate, or tell back what you’ve read so far, or what a word means, or something like that. It keeps their attention and you will know if they are retaining or comprehending what’s being read. Keep it light if this is your first year and don’t be afraid to adjust.

Your goal should be relationships first then the academics will follow.

Best of luck to you guys, and let your prayers lead you and your family!

Thank you so much for all of the information you shared!! You’ve been so helpful! It really eased my heart when I read my goal is relationships first then academics!! I hope you have a great homeschool year with your 4 littles!!