How and when do you find time to exercise?

That’s when I do it also. Right after school. It seems like if I wait much longer I won’t do it because I have to start supper, do baths, etc, etc. I just found a video that I love to do with my daughter(9). It’s Denise Austin’s family Fit. It’s awesome!


I have been getting up at 6:15 every morning and exercising using the Leslie Sansone power walking videos on YouTube (My kiddos aren’t normally up until around 7:15). It is amazing how much extra energy I have all day! Hers are the only exercise videos I have ever done that get results while NOT making me want to lie down and die on the spot :slight_smile: I also struggle with daily migraines and they have been decreased by 50% since starting this regularly. I also started going to bed every night consistently no later than 11pm while doing this. I add in some core strengthening exercises every other day as well as daily arm and tummy toning work after my walking workout. I do between 1 and 3 miles every morning and take a break every 6 days. It has been wonderful! I highly recommend her videos! They are so do-able and many can be found online for FREE!


It keeps changing. 6:30 in the morning works best for consistency, but right now I am not getting up that early so we go out a couple times a week, I run; kids on bike; toddler in stroller.

I love the Leslie Sansone power walking videos! I should do those again. I usually walk on my treadmill but it broke about a month ago and I haven’t been doing anything.

@Jenny I love them too! I am up to doing 10 miles at least a week with her and heading toward 12 (I only walk M-F right now). I haven’t bought any yet–I just use the free YouTube ones on my IPad. She’s great! :slight_smile:

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When we were regularly going to the local gym, my wife and I would watch the kids in the evening while the other worked out a few nights a week.

Lately she’s been going to a local Stroller Strides workout, which is great for her and the kids.

But like @dragonflyer says, it keeps changing. Who knows what it will look like a month from now. :smile:

it depends sometimes after breakfast the younger two walk while my oldest runs with Dad. If that doesn’t happen we do a workout before lunch. It wakes the kids up and get their wiggles out.

I have a “smart” TV in the living room and I’ve been doing the youtube videos of the Leslie Sansone power walking! I’m really (really) out of shape, but these videos are really doable! Leslie is so positive. My legs were burning today after the leg lifts, I hate when she says “leg lifts are coming back!” :grimacing: I think they’re great videos.

We have started training as a whole family (dad, mom, and kids) for a 5k using the couch to 5k app and have already registered for a run. We run three days a week at this point. The kids have other physical activities as well (i.e. my daughter has ballet for 7 1/2 hrs. a week). Occasionally on our off days, my husband and I will do the 7 minute workout app while the kids play. Sometimes we just do the 7 min. and sometimes we do the 7 min. twice. We love this app! My kids are 11, 8, and 7 (girl, boy, boy).

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My husband and I switch off taking the kids to sports in the evenings and I go to the gym on my nights off. Then on Fridays, no one wants to go the gym (me or the kids) so we take a family bike ride and go on hikes over the weekends.