Help Understanding Test Scores Please!

I just received the test scores from the California Achievement Test-Level 4 for my child who is currently in 6th grade. My state law says: "A student’s score shall be deemed adequate if:
(a) the student has a composite score above the thirty-third percentile on national norms; or
(b) the student’s score reflects one academic year of growth as compared to a test administered during or subsequent to the prior school year.

So the scores are as follows:
Grade Equivalent Percentile Rank Stanine
Reading Vocabulary: 10.1 90 8
Reading Comprehension 9.1 74 6
Mathematics Computation 8.5 75 6
Mathematics Concepts & prob. 8.6 79 7
Language Mechanics 6.3 41 5
Language Usage & Structure 7.2 51 5
Language Spelling 7.6 58 5

My question is, did we get a score that is above the 33rd percentile for the state? (Is the state referring to the percentile rank??) What does the stanine number mean? Is it terrible that we scored 6.3 for the grade equivalent in Language Mechanics when my child is in 6th grade?? Do you think these scores are good? (CAN YOU TELL THIS IS THE FIRST STATE TEST WE HAVE TAKEN!)

Things got a little crunched together after I submitted my post! The first # is the grade equivalent, the second number is the percentile rank and the last is the stanine.

I don’t know ANYTHING about this but I found this site that is somewhat helpful:


That definitely helps! Thank you!! I thought that the results would come with an explanation, but it was just a score sheet! I think I was 10 times more stressed about testing for the first time than the kids!! They were rewarded with pizza today!