A little background before I get to my question- My girls are 3 and 21 months. It has been a long 21 months - little sister had severe reflux, infant migranes - the first year of her life was mainly crying and not sleeping and the last 9 months we have slowly been improving in the not crying all day and some sleep improvement (we even had a few full nights recently - yeah - knock on wood)
This has been hard on all of us - including my 3 year old. generally she mothers her baby sister - but as with any typically 3 year old there has been some normal jealousy and not sharing etc.
I plan on homeschooling both of my girls formally at age 5- 21 month is currently working colors (tot school) and my 3 year old finishing up LOW. They both love their school work and cheer when I say lets go do school work. We will continue to do school work at home on days off and in the afternoon.
Right now I have them both go to Mother’s Day out programs (unfortunately two different ones - that a whole different story). Mainly because I need a break - my husband works long hours and we don’t have family close - so it all on me. Plus I work from home part time. When LOs don’t sleep early morning, night doesn’t really work for work. I end up working in the middle of the nights sometimes.
Today my oldest wasn’t feel well - was up multiple times - so she stayed home with me. She immediately asked to do school work- we sat together for almost 2 hours - I amazed at all she accomplished. We had some great one on one time and then went for a walk/color scavenger hunt. I also got most of my work work done ( kitchen still a mess - oops). Overall it was a positive day - they seem to be playing better this afternoon too.
Because of the MDO schedule I would have to send my 3 year old three days a week MWF and my little one Tuesday Thursday. If they were both twice a week I probably won’t be struggling as much with it. Part of me thinks they would both benefit from one - on - one time - the baby still needs some extra attention and refocusing because she got her way so long because of health stuff. I really felt today my oldest daughter relished our one on one time.
We could try it out through the end of the school year. But I worry I’m making the wrong decision - I’m going to make it worse and/or I’m a awful mother because I can’t handle my kids together.
My concerns:
- Will seperating them too much make it difficult for them to work together (I was an only child for 16 years so I don’t have experience with siblings while younger)
- am I teaching them a bad lesson
- am I going to go nuts - they just started in September - I do value the four hours of no screaming being able to clean and work without having to worry if someone is doing something they shouldn’t if I turn my head for too long.
Any wisdom would be appreciated! Thank you in advance