Do you do test prep prior to standardized testing?

Hi! I am new this year to this process (spring testing & HS :smile:) I was wondering if anyone does test prep prior to giving your kiddos standardized tests in the spring? Also, any advice on best tests? Thank you so much for any advice, I’m just so confused!

Hey! We don’t test prep, but know some people feel better with it. We’ve used CAT and ITBS. Both of those are very easy to administer, but each have different requirements. Usually you need to order 1-2 months ahead of time with your testing dates, they mail you everything about 2 weeks prior. You usually have a few weeks to keep the materials before you mail everything back in. Tip: make sure you make copies of your students answers…just in case it gets lost in the mail. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for the info! I appreciate it so much!!