Deschooling your kids

I finally looked in to my state laws for homeschooling so I’m in the home stretch of pulling my kids out of public school very soon to start the process of deschooling! I have a 5th grader & a Kinder! I’ve read that a month should be given for every year a child was in public school. My biggest question would be, do I really NOT do any education work with them till our deschooling time is complete??! Any veterans out there in deschooling PLEASE leave your suggestions, tips & tricks and testimony :slight_smile: Thank you!!!


I would not suggest no school. If it were me I would go right into school the next school day. They are children, they need education. Yes, it will be an adjustment for you and the kids. Yes, there will be some rough days especially for the 5th grader because now there will be a whole different way of doing school. Whether you wait to start homeschooling them or get right to it, it will be an adjustment either way. If you feel that homeschooling is the right thing for your kids then I say ‘Just do it’


I agree with kathleennj. My kids (except for my little ones) were in public school before we home schooled and we jumped right into homeschooling. The kids were excited to start and see how this new way of schooling would work! Yes, it was an adjustment for everyone but I think kids are very adaptable. Honestly, I think the person who had the hardest time was me!

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I don’t know anything about “deschooling” so I can’t speak to that. But you can certainly start homeschooling right away. It doesn’t mean you have to pull out textbooks and worksheets. Going to the grocery store can be an education. For example, go to the produce section. Have your 5th grader do some math work. Weigh items. How much does it cost per pound? How much would it cost for 4 pounds? In the cereal aisle, what is more expensive per ounce - the larger or smaller box? You can read nutrition labels. Etc.

There are many ways to learn and if they need a little bit of time to decompress, then use alternate means to educate. Field trips, a library visit… Take them to the park (weather pending) with a notebook and some colored pencils. Ask them to sketch what they see…and for the older child, describe in details what he/she notices using all the senses.

I believe that we always have an opportunity to learn. It doesn’t need to happen in the traditional way, but it really SHOULD happen.


Thank you!!! I think I’m the one who needs deschooling!! LOL!! You’re absolutely right, there’s learning available everywhere!!! And what better learning than through real life situations :slight_smile:

Last year, I pulled my kids out 2 months into the school year. While they were still in school, I spent about a month getting everything ready, and preparing them as well. When the time came, they finished the week at the public school, and we started homeschooling the following Monday.

Whether or not your kid needs to “deschool” really depends on the kid. Are your kids really stressed or anxious about what’s going on at school? If so, I would probably give them about a week at home, just getting used to not going off to school every morning, and then start the homeschool. But I really can’t see the benefit in giving a 5th grader FIVE months off.

That’s what I was thinking too…too much time OFF!! LOL!! That’s why I just had to know if people out there really do that??? And how efficient that is! He’s more of the I’m bored, I’m behind who cares mentality. He’s behind a good solid year-year and a half in math & reading comprehension & his writing looks like a 1st grader :frowning: soooo much repairing to be done. We have him in a tutoring program to help him in math. Definitely helping fill the gaps! I think a week off sounds good to me!! Now my next battle…what to use for the next 3 months!!! :slight_smile:

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I really see this as an opportunity for your and your children to start life fresh. I’d takk to them about how things were not exactly being done the way you and your husband envisioned or would’ve liked for them to be for the family, and that this is a fresh re-start. Tell them of the plans, ideas, and reasons you think homeschooling will be better. Get lots of good and fun things to do together for the next few months since it’ll be summertime, like a moleskin notebook, some pencils, and a backpack, and maybe a nature guide for journaling your nature walks and finds, crafts, and whatever else you have thought of doing with them. Homeschooling is freeing. We do not need to bring school into our homes, although we are to teach them many wonderful things diligently, we cannot forget that learning happens when they are actively engaged and loving what they’re being introduced to. Not all subjects are exciting to teach and learn, but most are. Take time to prepare their attitudes towards this new schooling philosophy as you start these activities before actual curriculum later this year. I think it may help them be enthusiastic about school and it won’t be a burden for any of you. Also, I would suggest having them involved in prepping up for the school year, whether by letting them decorate their binders, notebooks, etc, organize their boxes, folders, drawers, etc, and much more. This is an exciting adventure you are undertaking, and it will help shapethem into who they will someday become! Have fun :sunny:
I wanted to add, since you may feel the pressure to do some catching up, don’t over do it. I remember with my first child, in K5, I was really pushy, and even made her cry. Yours may not react the same way, but they may think that school doesn’t really matter, orjust avt as if it didn’t, most likely because of the feeling of inadequacy by being “behind”. I have cried over these mistakes, asked for forgiveness, and the good news is that the Lord fills in the gaps, so there is hope no matter where we find ourselves. God bless you


I have no hindsight but I will tell you what we are doing so far. My kids are in the last week of public school, so basically they are doing nothing, LOL. I already have everything ready for next year. I am slowly introducing them to things one my one. We did a notebooking page over volcanos. We found a new volcano kit at a garage sale the kids were pumped about doing. We also did a handwriting page and next week a couple math pages. I don’t think my kids need a “no school” period. They brains melt, LOL. We are going to take it slow over the summer but slowly build into our fall schedule so the whole day isn’t dumped in their lap on September. So far they have been very excited about everything and I’m finding ways to show them how this will be so much better than PS(like no more incessant tests). I want them to have a good attitude and so far this is working! Mine are finishing pre-k, 2nd and 4th grade. Good luck!


Hi! Both my kids were in 1st Grade…charter school here in Parker, CO. , we lasted 4 months before I pulled them out, which was the beginning of December. We took the entire month of December to get ready for our “unplanned” homeschooling journey. It took me about 2 weeks to figure out curriculum…ordered it, and Abey Academy :wink: started Jan. 5th. My kids did great with just having a little over a month off so I could prepare for this adventure! This was the BEST decision and a true blessing…we have never looked back! We are now starting our 4th year of homeschooling this July. I wish you much success on your journey!

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