Have you used a Chemistry curriculum that you and your kids loved? I am looking for something for the middle grades, not too challenging but not so easy. Any suggestion?
Following. We used Answers In Genesis earth/weather/space last year and I bought chemistry for his year. We loved it this year so I am hopeful we love the chemistry. I will be using it with my 3rd, 6th and 8th graders. P
Noeo Chemistry is a nice living book type option
We used Noeo our first year. It was a great curriculum but required a lot of teacher prep and was very open ended. So if that’s what you like, perfect. I need way more direction so we didn’t use it again after the first year.
We used the Good and the Beautiful chemistry unit- it’s pretty short though, maybe 2 months? I liked it though for middle school. For something longer and more comprehensive, check out http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/lessonplans/ . I haven’t used this, but it looks great!