Buying educational materials off craigslist, eBay, thrift store, goodwill,etc

Where is your favorite place for buying used educational materials?? And what is your best find so far??

I have found at ton of used educational materials at all the above!!

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I like Ebay.

My best find is that I was able to buy an entire Sonlight Core Curriculum for about 70% off the regular price. It was coming from a person in Hawaii so it took almost a month to get it but I ordered it well in advance of needing it.

I always check thrift stores and recently a charter school closed here and they sold their books super cheap. I have math books all the way through to geometry and algebra 2 and haven’t spent more than $20 total. It doesn’t work for everyone but it works well for us!

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I found 3 Calvert science kits (retailed at about $95 a piece) for $8 at a yard sale! I’ve found some great deals at Homeschool Buyers Co op.

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I have purchased lots of curriculum from that site over the past few years. I have had great luck at Savers Thrift Stores! Also, look in your local penny saver for yard sales over the summer. Many people will list homeschool books right in their ad! I have seen Entire Kits from Calvert being sold for pennies on the dollar at yard sales! Craigslist during the summer is another place I frequently look. Plus I look at Craigslist in the area my mom lives in (another state actually), and if I find something she will email that person and pick it up for me then ship it:)

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I have had success on Ebay and on Amazon with used curriculum.

My best buy was just recently for next year’s science, four teacher keys for Abeka Science that cost me $16, retail price $55 :smile: Must have been a fellow home schooling mom!

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