Anyone have any recipes they would like to share?

I am looking for some new recipes to start the new school year off with. I don’t usually meal plan in the summer but once school gets started I get back into meal planning. And it seems like it’s always the same old thing! Does anyone have any recipes they would like to share? Breakfast, lunch, supper?? Even snacks? I would love to get the year started with some new meals!

Whenever we get low on snacks or its just a good day for baking cookies I have the kids help make these super simple, quick, quick, crunchy peanut butter cookies. They’re great to make when you don’t have ingredients to make other cookies.

1 cup of sugar
1 cup of peanut butter
1 egg. That’s it!


@Jenny, Just wondering how long do you bake those? What temp. do you bake them at? They sound good!

Thanks for sharing :smiley:

I bake them at 350. I don’t have an exact time for how long, I just keep checking! HA! They bake quickly. I make them all the time just because I am often out of brown sugar or chocolate chips and we always have peanut butter!

Thanks so much for answering my question. I will have to try this recipe out this coming week. We love peanut butter here at our house!

off topic, but do you still have those Little hearts for his glory materials?

@christydup1 I just sent you a personal message to answer your question.

Thanks :smile:

I am not sure if you’ve already tried this or not but the pizza crust recipe that Erica here at COAH has on her blog is awesome! It doesn’t have to rise so it is a quick meal to make for lunch or supper. I have even made up a batch & made personal pan size crust to freeze for lunches during the week. I just pre-bake them like it says in the recipe & then flash freeze them on a cookie sheet then store in freezer bags until we need them.