Anybody use Calvert elementary?

I’ve been piecing together curriculum, BJU-AAR-Shurley etc…i feel like I have switched publishers so many times gaps may be developing in my child’s education. Anyone use Calvert grade 2 or 3? What were the pros and cons? Is it all secular?

We have looked into the online charter school thats in our state. Completely free, however it is a public school, not that its a bad thing. They send you all the material and LA and math are done via video classes and the rest is all hands on (from What im told) we are looking into it, since i have heard wonderful things about the curriculum and that people like the substance and quality also the fact that our finances are beginning to be too tight for many homeschool curriculums. I probably didnt answer your question very well, sorry! :wink:

I used grade 2 and 3 for my daughter. It is secular. It uses textbooks that are commonly used in public schools such as Houghton Mifflin, Steck-Vaughan,etc. It is a great elementary foundation. If you purchase through Calvert, they offer BrainPOP, Discovery video, a typing program, and spelling practice program. It’s nice to have manuals instructing you what you need to teach.

Cons: very expensive, the day’s work is not evenly spaced out. One day you do a great deal of work, the next day it’s barely any. It’s very repetitive, my daughter would complain about having to do workbooks-AKA-busywork, you are given a time limit in which to complete your school year-13 months, after that you are locked out of the ‘added’ stuff.

But of course if you buy it second hand you can take your time. Unfortunately in my state there is no online charter school through Calvert, but I would definitely look to see if your state offers it. Why not?

I hope this answers some of your questions.