American Revolution Curriculum

My husband is a wanting to do an extended study on the American Revolution in the fall. Our kids will be 3rd-8th grades. Does anyone know of any good resources that focus on this time period? Thanks!

If you’re looking for something hands on, consider Homeschool in the Woods. They have a Time Travelers: American Revolution curriculum.


That is my kids favorite timeperiod. We absolutely love the DVDs “Liberty’s Kids” and I have found a lot of online worksheets and activities that go along with it. You can watch them on YouTube but we just bought the 40 episode DVD set on Amazon for a really low price. That is what I used to years ago for our entire history curriculum for the year. Really well done and the kids would request to watch the show even when we weren’t doing history !

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@kellys What ages did you use it for?

We used liberty’s kids as a curriculum when my kids were 4, 6 & 8yrs but they still watch them even a year later and I feel like I actually learned a lot from them. For example one episode introduces Phyllis Wheatley, an African-American poet, so after watching the episode I found some history trading card worksheets free online and we did those and then we read some of her poems . Another we did about Benjamin Franklin and Abigail Adams, ect

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I really like, and so do my children, Biographies of the Revolution (Fight for Freedom) sold by Masterbooks. They also have the Timeline of the Revolution (America’s Struggle to Become a Nation). Both are by Rick and Marilyn Boyer of Character Concepts.

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