How do you plan for your school year?

This year for 1st time I’m using an online planner and I love it. Homeschool planet has kept us on track and it makes it easy to make changes. I have home schooled 9 years and this the best way I have found. You can basically plan your year for all your students including yourself as a teacher.

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I’ll be doing some big planning when I receive my curriculum. Other than that, I’ll create a detailed plan 2-3 weeks at a time. Since my kids are still young, my scheduling is more flexible!

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I plan in 6 week chunks. I find that if I plan farther out than that I end up haveing to change it all anyway.

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I like to plan what I want my son to learn that year. Once I have the major picture of what we want to accomplish then I do our schedule around that. It’s usually week by week for me. Since my son is only 4 this works out best for us. :slight_smile: We also school year round - we are military so it’s perfect for us! We can vacation whenever it works best for my husband’s schedule.

I don’t really plan more than a couple of days, if that, ahead. My daughter is only in kindergarten so we do short writing, math, and language arts lessons everyday and it doesn’t take any planning with the books I have. We do Catechism, a saint, science, art, etc once a week or so, depending on how we are inspired. Then for anything else we do whatever inspires me! I keep track of what we’ve done on my own one page/week planner which I created in excel.

We use Living Books Curriculum. Be forewarned, there is a lot of reading. We could never get it all done but we try to keep a good pace as most of the living books are wonderful. I usually end up deciding once we get into a book if we will scrap it, at least until another time. Even though the 36 weeks is planned out, I still try and make it bend to fit our schedule. Good luck!!

We use the workbox system, so I definitely like to plan ahead so that the night before, all I have to do is add things to workboxes! I am ordering my son’s kindergarten Timberdoodle curriculum this month, so I will have plenty of time to plan before August!

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Each of my kids have a lesson planner that I fill in a week in advance. Since I started doing this, our school days have been so much easier. My kids know exactly what they need to do instead of asking “what’s next?”


Right now I plan week to week. The curriculums I use have daily plans and I just pull it together based on where we are. We seem to have things that pop up and would throw off any long term plans I would have. I would love to plan longer, but it doesn’t work for us right now.

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This is our first year homeschooling… and I’ve been planning it week by week. It’s been going great so far… think I’ll do it the same way next year.

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I plan weekly. My lovely husband made a lesson plan for me on the computer which I can transfer to my IPad and it has worked great for me! The best part is, I can make changes to it if I need to. I was going to print out the lesson plan weekly so the kids could highlight when they finish something but ink is so expensive we decided to go a different route.


I hope to have the whole year planned out in advance. Since I have been working on information gathering for so long, I think I will be able to pull it off before we start homeschool. That gives me a long time to pull it all together. I plan to use the resources and methods given in Homeschooling 101 and get started after I acquire all my curriculum.

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I usually plan out a week or 2 at a time, and write it in my planner. I then hand write assignments into a spiral notebook (a page per day) for my daughter to check off, as she completes her work. She tends to stay more focused when she has little boxes to check off. :smile: I also load workboxes with the assignments she can do independently, so she can just grab and do them.


Yearly. Much rather get it done for the whole school year in the summer when I’m keen and am able to really sit down and take the time to do it!

When I plan preschool for my son I choose topics for each week of the year. I try to plan them around, holiday,events, seasons or anything I think we might be involved in at the time. Then I make boards on Pinterest and start gathering ideas though out the year. This makes it easy for me because when our spring times comes and it time for our " gardening unit" I already have a board full of idea to pick from. I have a planning sheet I made with different categories like fine motor, gross motor, story time, snack and centers. So I simply find an activity on my board that first and copy and paste the link to my planning sheet. It’s really simple to do and lets me really customize activities that I think my kids will enjoy.

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We plan a week at a time using a spreadsheet, file folders and work boxes! But I’d love to get a planner for my kids so they can learn how to plan their time.

For the past couple years I have planned the whole year out. I love having things planned so that I’m not using my evening and weekends planning. However, I have found it frustrating when we get behind and then the plan is all out of whack. So, I think next year I’m only going to plan a couple months at a time. That way I can change things much easier.

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One week at a time with HOD open and go plans. I have one child in kindergarten.

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I love lesson planning and curriculum choosing! I tend to start in January planning for next September. My plans tend to be just an overview, dividing chapters up into the number of weeks. Then depending on how that week is going we do more or less with the given chapter.

I’m hoping to put a bit more effort into next year because my oldest is starting middle school and I want to keep track of grades.

We home school year round, so it is easier for me to plan a semester at a time.
We have 2 weeks off in August, 2 weeks off for Christmas, and 2 weeks off in June (among other times).
I use these 3 breaks to plan for the upcoming semester. I usually have it all planned out in my head already…I just use this time to actually write it all down. :slight_smile: