Handwriting challenges

My 5 year old has some sensory issues (mild) and was in OT this past year for handwriting, and some other stuff. His handwriting has improved but we have further work to do. He is also a lefty if that matters. We are just starting homeschooling this year. His occupational therapist was using Handwriting Without Tears worksheets which seemed to work well. I was wondering if anyone has experience with these challenges and if so, what handwriting program/system/whatever you used that you liked. We may just stick with HWT but I’d love to hear other ideas/suggestions. Thanks!

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I am not an expert and do not have a child that has sensory problems. I worked in a public high school and was friends with the special education teachers and have a friend that teaches preschool and is getting a masters degree in special education. I also have an autistic cousin that is a few years older than me. So, I have been exposed to some challenges of special needs children.

I would definitely use HWT if that is working for him. But then, you can also supplement with some other activities.

If he is having sensory issues, you may want to try writing letters with his finger in salt, forming letters out of play dough, or forming letters using “paint bags” (basically putting paints in a ziploc bag on the table). That way he is working on fine motor skills necessary for writing and being exposed to different textures. Pinterest may have other fine motor or “sensory” activities that would be fun for him. I would also work slowly on different activities and never force him to work on one.

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