EIW vs IEW questions

Just met the creator of EIW this weekend at a convention. The reason that the grammar seems simple is because he’s teaching it from the point of view of application in written composition as opposed to diagramming or many repeated grammar activities. He told me to let my daughter fly through the grammar sections as quickly as she can/would like and then focus on the writing. (We’re still going to use First Language Lessons 3 as well.). I love his philosophy for teaching writing in small chunks so they really understand the writing process and then can apply the method to any writing assignment across your curriculum. Enjoy!


I loved having the option of having the lessons on DVD, but I ended up needing to be there in order to understand what the lesson was about. However, we figured out a way to make it work! Like you I needed the older ones working independently while helping my younger one with his lessons. I am using FLL for the first time this year and love it! However, I found that they were repeating (which isn’t a bad thing) the grammatical instruction being taught with IEW writing.

Thank you for this we have been going through the grammar much faster than suggested, but now I know the creator himself suggested it I think we can go through that section even faster! We still have an Abeka program to do this year so we will get grammar in either way. :slight_smile: I’m excited about this program even more so now that I have another perspective. Thank you again.

I know what you mean. I stay for the video portion which is very short, then I let them get everything done while I teach my younger ones. However being there doesn’t mean I have to pay absolute attention to the DVD I can still do some things on the side vs me teaching and only teaching lol :slight_smile: It’s helpful either way. I am also using FLL for the first time (I’m using level 1 so far) and I love it so far. It is good that you have that repetition it will probably help solidify what they are learning. What level are you using in FLL right now?

I am using levels 3 and 4😊

I was considering using these this year. What ages are you using them with? I was thinking about using Level 4 with my 8yo but I thought it might take a lot of time because I have to read the script as well as reading the Sonlight books and doing all the other things we have to do. Does it take a long time to do each day?

For my 8 year old I am using level 3, but he probably could have done just fine with level 4 too. This was my first year using it, so I just wasn’t sure which level to use. The lessons aren’t very long at all. We spend about 15 minutes per day on it. He also has a novel that he reads and does the novel unit that goes along with it. Once in a while we incorporate a lap book to go with the novel he chooses. He’s also doing IEW, which at first I thought was going too be too much. So far it doesn’t seem to be overwhelming for him. I hope this helps! :blush:

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Thanks you for this I may look into it again.

If anyone is interested…I’m selling Voyages in English Grammar and Writing Curriculum 3rd grade (Loyola Press) - includes student textbook, teacher edition, practice book, assessment book, and answer key. Student text and teacher book are in EXCELLENT condition! Practice book is only missing chapter 1 worksheets, but there are plenty of practice exercises in the textbook. The assessment book has never been used and has all chapter tests. I actually have 2 student sets (text, practice book and assessment book) if you should need both. I am also selling Voyages in English 6th grade set including student textbook, teacher edition, practice book, assessment book and answer key. Practice book and assessment book missing chapter 1 only. Student text and teacher edition in EXCELLENT condition. If you are interested in 3rd grade set and/or 6th grade set, you can email me at ljplass@gmail.com.